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Sensitization and the Prevention of sexual exploitation ..

Project for the Sensitization and the Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and harassment (PSEAH).

Through this project, Inspire Action aims to build the capacity of its Partners and community members on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) and Gender-based violence. PSEAH is one of the major priorities of our mission, as underscore in our organizational policies. 

The organization shall organize workshops in schools, churches, start radio and social media campaigns, in order to reach out to as many people as possible. 

Staff will take the mandatory courses on PSEA and Sexual Harassment, and they will undergo capacity building activities by Inspire Action’s PSEA and Gender Experton these thematics. 

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February 2024 in review

Inspire Action started the pilot phase of its Promotion of Vocational Oriented Training (PVOT) on February 5. The ongoing vocational training comprises wig making, braiding, manicure/pedicure and detergent making. At

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