Organizational policies


The Inspire Action Code of Conduct is central to our Organization, our teams, our operations, and our management. Clear guidance on the standards of behavior and conduct all staff are required to abide by is provided in the Code of Conduct. Those standards include:

  1. Respect for others
  2. Maintaining of the highest standards of conduct, both at personal and professional levels
  3. Committing to protecting Inspire Action’s beneficiaries
  4. Paying attention to the safety & security of myself & others
  5. Protecting Inspire Action’s assets and resources
  6. Protecting the confidentiality of Inspire Action’s data and information
  7. Reporting any incident or issues relating to this Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is binding on all Inspire Action personnel, including employees, individual contractors, experts, consultants, volunteers, and interns, irrespective of nationality or location.

All Inspire Action personnel have to fully understand the contents of the Code of Conduct, adhere to all of its provisions, and inform and report any incidents or issues related to it.

All Inspire Action personnel sign the Code of Conduct, as a commitment to upholding the standards of the Code of Conduct while creating a conducive working environment.


Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment Policy
Child Protection Policy
Gender Inclusion Policy
Anti–Fraud Policies
Conflict of Interest Policy
Anti – Terrorism and Money Laundering Policies
Environmental and Social Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy

Inspire Action is committed to a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH).

Inspire Action takes it upon itself to prevent these violations within the organization, with its partners, and for the beneficiaries it works with, and protect all survivors of these violations, with the mechanisms and pathways put in place.

With this commitment, Inspire Action adopts the “accountability to affected populations” and “do not harm” policies to underscore its commitment to PSEAH practices. 

Any Inspire Action personnel (staff, volunteer, partner, etc.) who is found guilty of any act of SEAH will be unforgivably sanctioned.

Preventing sexual harassment is everyone’s responsibility.

At Inspire Action, we cannot prevent or remedy PSEAH unless we know about it.

Persons who believe they have been the subject of behavior prohibited by this policy, who have witnessed such conduct, who are aware of any such conduct, or who have concerns about such matters, are strongly encouraged to report such behavior to a supervisor, manager, or to Inspire Action’s Head of Mission.

Anyone who witnesses or becomes aware of potential instances of sexual harassment should report such behavior to a supervisor, manager, or Inspire Action’s Head of Mission.

Inspire Action is developing a whistleblower and reporting mechanism to allow cases to be confidentially reported. This policy sets out clear investigation procedures which are victim-centered and cover procedures for the protection of victims from retaliation during and after the investigation process.


Inspire Action is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people.

Inspire Action recognizes its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practices and to protect children from harm, abuse, and exploitation.

Inspire Action acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports, or suspicions of abuse. Inspire Action personnel, including but not limited to, paid and unpaid staff, interns, volunteers, and partners endeavor to work together to encourage the development of a lifestyle that embraces difference, and diversity and respects the rights of children, young people, and adults.

At Inspire Action, we believe that:
  • The welfare of the child is paramount.
  • All children have the right to protection from abuse, irrespective of their age, culture, disability, gender, language, race, and religion. 
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse should be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • All members and employees of the organization should be clear on how to respond appropriately.

 As a part of the implementation of this child protection policy, Inspire Action will:

  • Ensure all staff/partners are fully aware of their legal and moral responsibility to protect children and young people from harm, abuse, and exploitation.
  • Ensure that all staff/partners understand their responsibility to uphold the standards of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the Declaration of Human Rights (1948), including the need to work at all times towards maintaining the highest standards of practice in child protection.
  • Ensure that all staff/partners understand their duty to report concerns that arise about a child or young person, or a colleague’s conduct towards a child/young person, to the Head of Mission.

Inspire Action has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of child abuse or exploitation. This policy is aimed at ensuring Inspire Action’s capacity to prevent and handle any cases of child abuse or exploitation witnessed, or conducted, by any personnel, vendor or partner.


At Inspire Action, gender is at the core of our activities. The organization has an all-hands-on-deck style to gender inclusion, which means men, boys, girls, and women are key participants in the work needed to achieve gender equality, per the UNSDG5 and the 2035 agenda for sustainable development.

The organization, however, will place greater emphasis on the empowerment of women and girls, via vocational and educational training, given that they are more vulnerable to being survivors of Gender-Based Violence.

At Inspire Action we develop projects, conduct capacity-building sessions, and work with partners to ensure that its gender equality goals are achieved. In alignment with the PSEA policy, the gender equality or inclusion policy looks to break down structural barriers and power imbalances and challenge cultural beliefs and societal norms, in an effort to promote social behavioral, and gender-transformative change.


Zero tolerance anti-fraud policies and highest standards of transparency in our activities. 

Inspire Action’s Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policies:

  • Strongly abets prevention;
  • Strongly advances detection of malpractices;
  • Delineates anti-fraud, bribery, and corruption investigation procedures;
  • Delineates a mechanism of sanctions.
Inspire Action is governed by three cardinal principles related to anti-fraud, bribery, and corruption:
  • Anti-Fraud, Bribery, and Corruption:

Inspire Action distances itself from fraudulent actions directly or indirectly and devotes the necessary resources to cut down the risks of corruption in the achievement of its programmatic and operational objectives.

  • Accountability and Transparency:

Inspire Action is fully committed to accountability and transparency regarding its beneficiaries, partners, and financial donors. This commitment is fulfilled through the right of access to unabridged financial information, including but not limited to, the allocation and management of its funds. Inspire Action endeavors to possess all the required resources to ensure the efficient, and transparent management of its operations.

  • Professionalism:

Inspire Action’s program design, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation are based on the highest standards of professionalism and capitalize on its experience to maximize efficiency and resources.


In a bid to allow for the highest levels of efficiency, accountability, and transparency in our activities, Inspire Action personnel and partners are fully committed to the prevention of any perceived or actual conflicts of interest between their official duties and personal interests.

Inspire Action and partners understand that It is their responsibility to prevent any such conflicts and that they cannot use their official capacities to benefit their private interests.

This policy provides clear guidance to Inspire Action personnel and partners while encouraging prevention, promoting detection, and providing clear investigation procedures.


Inspire Action denounces all forms of terrorism and will never knowingly support, tolerate or encourage terrorism or the activities of those who abet, use, embrace, and/or finance terrorism.

In line with all the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions, particularly S/RES/1269 (1999), S/RES/1368 (2001), and S/RES/1373 (2001) and the international instruments relating to the fight against terrorism, Inspire Action is firmly committed to the international fight against terrorism, and in particular against the financing of terrorism and any related activities, in particular the laundering of funds of fraudulent origin.

It is Inspire Action’s policy to ensure that none of its and its donor funds are used, directly or indirectly, to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism or funds originating from fraudulent activities.


At Inspire Action, we commit to environmental protection by promoting the regeneration of natural resource management, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, climate change mitigation, management of waste and pollution, and conservation of biodiversity.

At Inspire Action, we strongly endeavor to ensure all our activities are undertaken in a manner that fosters the preservation and enhancement of the health and vitality of planet Earth for present and future generations.

Also, Inspire Action commits to act for social justice and human rights, especially through the promotion of social protection and respect for local populations and heritage. Cognizant of our duty to ensure that our activities are carried out with respect for the dignity, rights, and capacity of all individuals and communities with whom we engage.


Inspire Action prides itself on the far-reaching endeavors it puts into privacy protection. In line with the respect for the fundamental human rights and freedom of all, Inspire Action is committed to the privacy and protection of Personal Data in its possession collected within the framework of its activities.