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Energy Efficient Construction Techniques

Project for the Promotion of Energy Efficient Construction Techniques in Ghana.

This project aims at introducing some very energy efficient and low cost construction techniques in Ghana.

This project will not only reduce the cost of construction hereby rendering humanitarian projects more cost effective, but it will also reduce the carbon footprint constructions have on the environment.

These construction techniques cut down the use of clinker cement by half in construction, bringing the cost of construction down by over one-third of its cost when using conventional construction techniques practiced in Ghana. 

We are at the first phase of this project which entails identifying a suitable site where a model construction can be done to showcase these innovative techniques.

During the construction of the model house, construction stakeholders (architects, engineers, bricklayers, carpenters, etc.) will undergo capacity building on how to effectively put these techniques into use in other kinds of construction. 

It is estimated that by the end of 2024, 100 construction actors’ capacities will have been built on these techniques, and at least 50 constructions will have been completed.

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