+233 53520 9014


Our address

4 Copper Lane,
New Achimota,
Greater Accra,

Call or email

General Enquiries: info@i-action.org
Sexual Misconduct: psea@i-action.org
Beneficiary Critique: feedback@i-action.org Office: +233 53 520 9014
Sexual Abuse Hotline: +233 53 519 6848

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Whether you’re passionate about transforming lives through donations, eager to volunteer your time, or have unique skills to contribute, your involvement can create a positive impact.

Contact us today and together, let’s inspire action for a better, more empowered future. Your support fuels our mission, and every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to building a better world.

Contact us and be a catalyst for change, because together we can make a lasting difference.

    Discover the joy of making a meaningful impact by volunteering with Inspire Action. Join our dedicated team and dedicate your time and skills to empowering children, youth and the underprivileged. Whether it’s sharing your expertise, lending a hand, or driving positive change in your community, every moment you invest in volunteering creates a ripple effect of positivity.

    Together, let’s inspire action and build a future where everyone has access to education, water, hygiene, health care and shelter.

    Enjoy the accomplishment of making a difference: volunteer with us and be part of a journey that transforms lives.

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