+233 53520 9014


About us

Inspiring action
Life for all human beings who are empowered to live freely and realize their full potential

Our Mission

Inspire Action's mission is to contribute to all seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) through the actions of its vision.

Our Vision

Inspire Action's mission is to contribute to all seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) through the actions of its vision.

Our Core Values

Inspire Action's core values are duty of care, integrity, professionalism, accountability, and respect for diversity.
Inspire Action's work is based on four principles, which aim to create the conditions for everyone to live happier, healthier, richer and freer lives with each other through:

Community Engagement

Strengthen communities by providing safe and conducive environments where people of all ages, and especially children and youth, can reach their full potential.


Support families by providing acceptable levels of shelter, water, hygiene and sanitation, health care, and eradicating hunger.

Engagement Career

Harness the potential of every human being, especially young people, by developing life skills, critical thinking, a sense of self-worth, and the ability to meaningfully engage in the community.